Dr. Samuel Spagnolo, Past NAVAP President and Board Member, Retires
It was announced that Dr. Samuel Spagnolo, a founding member of NAVAPD and its immediate past president has decided to withdraw himself from continuing as a NAVAPD Board member.
Dr. Spagnolo is Professor Emeritus of Medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is the former Director of the Division of Pulmonary Diseases and Allergy at George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences (1976-1993). He was also the Chief of the Pulmonary Section at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Washington, DC.
Dr. Spagnolo spent 50 years in Federal Service, 47 of which were at the DC VA following a near 3 years on active duty with the USPHS. As a clinician, Dr. Spagnolo has a worldwide reputation as a therapist and consultant. In 1981, he served as the medical chest consultant in the care of President Ronald Reagan following the attempted assassination. He has also served as a consultant to the White House physicians during the presidency of George Bush.
Dr. Spagnolo’s long and distinguished academic career and his dedication to clinical care of patients, to teaching, and research has given him extensive experience in participating in conferences around the world as well as numerous radio and television appearances.
The NAVAPD Board thanks Dr. Spagnolo for his service and dedication to Veteran’s healthcare and we wish him well in his well-earned retirement.
NAVAPD is now looking for a new member (or two) to join the Board. If you are interested and meet the eligibility requirements, please send your CV and Letter of Intent to Dr. Abate at president@navapd.org.
To qualify you must:
be a full time VA Physician or Dentist,
be a member in good standing of NAVAPD,
be willing to attend monthly (or more as needed) meetings,
be able to contribute articles and other writings for NAVAPD,
have a willingness to interact with members of Congress (House and Senate),
have and a willingness to interact with Executive Leadership in VA